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Inpatient Stay

We Aim To Be A Hassle-Free Community Hospital

We aim to be a hassle-free community hospital ​​​​​where patients are placed in the centre of all systems and processes. We constantly innovate and create new ways to provide excellent care by learning from ot​her industries.
At YCH, we s​trive to provide you the individual attention that you need to ensure that you get the most out of our medical care.​​



Registration for admission will be done at the Patient Service Centre (PSC) or in the wards.

Documents to Bring

  • ​​​For your admission registration, please bring the following original documents:

​​Letter for Community Hospital Admission or Admission Authorisation Form


NRIC / Birth Certificate / Passport / Employment / Work Permit

  • If you have any of the following documents, please bring them along:

Let​ter of Guarantee from Employer


Medical Claims Authorisation Form


Means-Test Declaration Form


Medisave Account Holder's NRIC​


What To Bring


Pyjamas are provided


Non-slip footwear (Sandals will be advised for Rehabilitation)


Personal toiletries such as toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, etc


Medications for ​reconciliation​

What Not To Bring


Please do not bring excessive cash, valuables or handphone/IT gadgets. If you have these items with you during admission, please arrange for them to be taken home or inform the ward nurses for safekeeping.

Personal Safety


Let us know your wherea​bouts. Beware of confidence tricksters.

Leavin​​g the Hospital Premises


For your own safety, please do not leave the hospital premises until your doctor has cleared you for discharge. Patients who request to be discharged against the doctors' advice will be required to sign an AOR (At Own Risk) form.

Identifi​​cation Wristband

An identification wristband with your name, N​RIC and ward number will be given to you. Please wear it at all times while you are in the hospital. Red wristbands are for patients with drug allergies; white wristbands are for patients with no known allergies and green wristbands are for patients with risk for falls.

Food Service


A choice of Chinese, Indian, Malay,​ and Vegetarian menus are available for your daily selection. Our team of chefs and dietitians supervise the preparation and menu planning of your meals to ensure that you receive a balanced and nutritious diet. For patients with specific needs, we also prepare personal therapeutic diets as advised by the dietitians.



Smoking is not allowed on the hosp​​​ital compounds. We seek your co-operation to help us maintain a healthy smoke-free environment.

Rest a​nd Relax


Feel free to make use of the amenities available in the patient lounge area.



Help us to keep the restroom clean. This will red​uce the spread of infectious diseases within the​ hospital.


For a safe and comfortable stay, please observe the following:

  • Follow the instructions given by our staff when you are admitted.
  • Do not use the furniture in your room as support if you feel weak or unsteady. Most of the furniture are on wheels and will not provide the necessary stability.
  • Do not get in and out of a wheelchair without assistance. Follow the staff's instructions when using a wheelchair.
  • If you are nursed with bed rails up or instructed to be on bed rest by your doctor, please do not get up on your own. Please call for assistance.
  • Take only medications given to you by the nurse and take them promptly when served.
  • Do not try to remove or adjust any devices around or on you without seeking approval from the nurse.

Nurses call system

Caring for you during your stay here is our responsiblity. Please make use of the call system to alert us should you require assistance. The call bells can be found at the bedside. Press the red button to call for assistance. Should you require assistance while you are in the restroom, pull the red cord lightly for assistance.

using nurse call system  

Emergency exits

The emergency exits are located at the front/back of each ward.​


Ward Routine

Upon your admission to Yishun Community Hospital, you will be looked after by a team doctors, nurses and therapists.

Our doctors perform their routine ward rounds as scheduled. They are also scheduled to be on-call on a 24-hour basis to attend to patients who may need urgent medical attention. The routine in the ward also include activities such as medication, meals and rehab services.

Medication rounds usually begin at 0800hrs, 1330hrs and 2000hrs. Nurses serving medications are donned in an apron that indicates "Serving Medication - Please Do Not Disturb". This is to prevent them from getting distracted by patients, nurses and visitor when serving medications. Kindly seek assistance from other nurses if required. We encourage you to participate actively in your care and ask questions if you are in doubt regarding your diagnosis, treatment plan and preliminary date for discharge.

Nursing Care

We practice patient-centered nursing care in the ward. A trained nurse is assigned to a group of patients during each shift and a photo of the nurse will be displayed on the board in the ward.

Please feel free to approach our nurses if you have any concerns regarding your nursing care.

Patient Service Centre Operational Hours

During your stay, should you encounter billing enquiries or require financial assistance, we can be reached at:

Mon - Fri, 8am to 5.30pm
Closed on Sat, Sun and Public Holidays

Patients' Confidentiality

YCH has a duty to protect our patients' confidentiality at all times. Photography and videography of patients and their families are not allowed.


We encourage your family to be our active partners-in-care to help you on the road to recovery.

Our nurses may therefore request participation of your family members in nursing activities such as feeding during meals, mediciation and bathing time. This will allow them to show emotional and psychological support as well as learn how to care for you at home after discharge.

Patient Education

We believe in empowering you and your family with knowledge on health matters as this will help you understand and cope with your condition better. This is made possible through our Patient Education Programs, regular health fairs, public forums and various community outreach efforts.